October 10, 2018
Tiny House, BIG LIFE!
This summer, I decided to do something CRAZY and buy a “tiny house.” I mean, let’s be honest, I can’t even call it a “house” because it’s an 8-ft motorcycle trailer that was converted into a bed on wheels. I don’t think it can get any smaller than this!

I’ve always been curious if I’d enjoy the camping/life on the road lifestyle, so I bought this custom built tiny house for $3,200 from a wonderful man named John up in Massachusetts. I went camping 7 times this summer with the house and had a blast! Look at the view from our campsite on Lake Erie!
But after a great summer, I wanted to renovate it and make it a little prettier with a paint job, new ceiling, curtains, and a new bed spread. Here’s what I did…
Re-paint all the cabinets from Brown to white

Buy plywood, measure it correctly, and cover up the 2×4’s that line the house. I need to give a HUGE thank you to my man, Robby, for measuring and cutting the wood. He’s the best! And look at Brate watching over us while we work!

Paint the plywood, put the cabinets back up

Make shelving by the door!

I wanted something personal and unique for the ceiling so I found a bunch of my old music show posters and Nashville Hatch Prints and pasted them up on the ceiling. I went to Walmart and bought some big poster frames for less than $10 each (They were $30 at Lowes!) and took the plexiglass out. That’s what I screwed on the top to protect the ceiling prints.

Decorate it with new pillows, blankets, sheets, and a nice guitar accent print behind the bed.